SEND Services Preparing for Adulthood (18+)
Preparing for Adulthood is a source of information for every stage of your life. If you’re 14 to 25 years old and have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) living in the City of London, we’re here to help you.
We believe that young people with SEND should have equal life chances as they move into adulthood.
This should include paid employment and higher education, housing options and independent living, good health, friends, relationships, community inclusion and choice and control over their lives and support.

Steps to Adulthood Guidance
See the City of London’s guidance for parents/carers and young people with SEND on preparing for adult life from the earliest years in the About Preparing for Adulthood section. This covers a range of information and guidance on areas such as further education, employment, housing, and transitioning to adult social care services.

Kooth - your online mental wellbeing community
Children and young people living in the City of London aged 11 to 19 years old can access free and anonymous online counselling and emotional support.

Living independently
You may be thinking about living independently and moving to a place of your own or living in in supported housing. Discussions about this can begin as early as the year 9 annual review of your Education Health and Care plan.
The annual review will include a focus on housing options and will encourage you to think about where you would like to live. You will be supported to make decisions about your life and the support which you will need as an adult.

Give us your feedback
This part of the local offer is a chance for you to be involved in the conversation about things that affect you. Take our survey and let us know how we can improve our content for young people.