SEND services for Early Years (0 to 4)

This part of the Local Offer outlines the education, health and care services available for children from when they are born to just before they start school and the support and advice available.

If your child's special educational needs were discovered at a young age, you may be considering appropriate pre-school instruction as well as possibilities for play, stimulation, and engagement for your child. Other children's challenges or concerns may become apparent when they begin attending a playgroup or nursery.

Chapter five of the SEND Code of Practice provides guidance to Early Years providers about how they should identify and support children with special needs. 

All nurseries, playgroups, Children's Centres and childcare providers should welcome young children with special needs, but some services aim to offer something extra. And if your child's special needs are complex or severe, you may be looking for something more specialised. Within the Local Offer we have asked providers to highlight the types of support and provision that they may make for specific types of special needs and disabilities.


The City of London requires schools and settings to comply with all statutory expectations set out in the SEND Code of Practice. This means that nurseries, schools and colleges (settings) should make available the information below using clear and straightforward language that is easy for parents and young people to access.

Settings should describe:

  • how they identify children and young people with SEND and assess their needs
  • how they assess and review children and young people’s progress towards outcomes, including the opportunities available to work with parents, children and young people as part of this assessment and review
  • how they support children and young people in moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood. As young people prepare for adulthood, outcomes should reflect their ambitions which could include higher education, employment, independent living and participation in society
  • what adaptations to curriculum, teaching and the learning environment they make and how they access ancillary aids and assistive technology
  • how they secure expertise among practitioners, teachers, lecturers or other professionals to support children and young people with SEND
  • how they assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the provision they make for children and young people with SEND
  • how they enable children and young people with SEND to have access to facilities and extra-curricular activities available to all children in their setting
  • how they support and improve emotional and social development, including extra pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of children and young people with SEND and measures to prevent bullying
  • the SEN Information report
  • information on the school’s SEND policy, including named contacts within the school
  • who parents should contact if they have concerns about details of the school’s contribution to the local offer
  • how the curriculum is adapted or made accessible for children or young people with SEND.

The City of London expects that the above should include arrangements for supporting children who are looked after by the local authority and have SEND.

The City of London also expects and encourages schools to make data on the levels and type of need within the setting available to the local authority. This data is necessary to inform strategic SEND planning at authority and local level. This kind of data, usually collected through the school census, is also required to produce the national SEND Information Report.

SureStart Children’s Centres provide a range of support services and activities for families with children under five. These are available from pregnancy until the child starts reception class at primary school.

Along with early learning and day care, children’s centres offer access to parenting classes, midwives and health visitors, ESOL courses, and advice on mental health, housing, money, training and employment.

Most of the City of London's children's centre services take place at the City Child and Family Centre although some are available at other locations around the City.

SEND provision at Children's Centres
Children's Centres are all-inclusive environments. This implies that all activities are open to children with special needs, and reasonable accommodations will be provided if necessary.

Sensory play areas are available in all of the borough's Children's Centres for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Our City Child and Family Centre has a dedicated SEND Early Years Practitioner. They can assist in identifying children who may have special needs and working with them in up to six one-on-one sessions to help them develop. For further information, contact the City Child and Family Centre.

Are you a resident of the City of London? Do you have a child under five attending a childcare setting? You might qualify for financial support with childcare cost under the Childcare Accessibility Scheme.

The Scheme aims to support resident families to access early education and childcare. The purpose of the early education place is to support the child’s early development and empower parents to make positive changes to their lives through work, training or family support.

Criteria 1 - Children with Additional Needs but not qualifying for Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
This section of the funding is aimed at a child who is already attending or are about to attend an early years setting or a child who has been identified by the children’s centre or other professional as potentially benefitting from an early education place.

The scheme will support the child by providing funding for an education place or additional childcare hours to ensure that they have the best start in life.

Criteria 2 - Families who have a combined income of less than £55K
This funding is aimed at parents who have a joint combined income of less than £55K per annum. This fund is also open to:

  • students, trainees and apprentices
  • parents on maternity/paternity leave
  • parents returning to work
  • parent/s with more than two children needing childcare

This section of funding will provide top up funding to ensure that families receive help with paying up to a maximum of 70% of their childcare costs.

The Early Help service provides a central contact point for families wanting to access early help services in the City of London. They can provide information and advice and will signpost to non-City of London services, as well as accepting referrals on behalf of City of London early help services.

You can contact the Children and Families team by calling 020 7332 3621 or emailing

Local authorities and providers must have regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years 2015 and the Equality Act 2010 and be able to demonstrate how they are implementing a graduated approach to support all children with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) to fulfil their potential.

The government has put in place measures to support children with SEND, one of which is an Early Years SEN Inclusion Fund. All local authorities are required to establish this fund for children over nine months old accessing the Free Early Education Entitlement.

The purpose of the SEN Inclusion Fund is to support local authorities to work with providers to address the needs of individual children and to make it easier for families of children with SEND to take up their free entitlement.

Eligible providers
All early years providers in the City of London who are eligible to receive the early education entitlement funding are also eligible to receive support from the SEN Inclusion Fund.

Who is eligible to access the SEN Inclusion Fund in the City of London?

  • All children over nine months old entitled to the Free Early Education Entitlement, identified with a level of SEND
  • A child that attends an early years provider in the City of London that is Ofsted registered and providing government funded places, regardless of the child’s residency
  • A child presenting with a level of Special Educational Need as defined under one or more of the broad areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice within the moderate to profound categories.

Who is not eligible to access the Early Years Inclusion Fund?

  • A 4-year-old in maintained or academy primary school in reception class
  • A City of London child attending an out-of-borough provision
  • A child attending specialist provision
  • A child with an Education, Health and Care plan
  • A child whose development is age appropriate or presenting with a mild delay (and can therefore be supported within ordinarily available provision).

Applying to the Early Years Inclusion Fund

The majority of children with SEND do not require specialist resources or enhanced staffing to be successfully included in settings. Most settings meet the needs of children with SEND very well from within their existing resources and through their own high quality practice.

The City of London’s SEND Panel will consider requests where there is evidence of a child being significantly delayed, particularly in any of the three prime areas of the EYFS in comparison to the expected outcomes for their age, or where there are medical needs which require a high level of adult intervention and supervision.

The Prime Areas are:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

It is important to note that a delay in learning and development in the early years does not always necessarily indicate that a child has a special educational need that calls for special educational provision.

Settings will need to show how they have supported the child up to now, and how the funding would be used to enhance the support and provision for the child to meet appropriate planned outcomes and improve progress.

Applications may be submitted to the SEND Panel to request the following:

  • Staff training specific to the child’s needs
  • Specialist resources which are over and above what would be typically found in an early years’ environment;
  • Specialist equipment, for example, a chair, standing frame or mobile ramp. This must be recommended in writing by the appropriate health professional, usually an occupational therapist, and include costs. In order to facilitate a positive transition for children with complex physical needs, the Panel will consider requests for specialist equipment in the half-term prior to the child becoming eligible for funding. Any equipment purchased will remain the property of City of London Corporation;
  • Regular direct teaching sessions clearly planned for the individual child or individualised support for specific and planned activities;
  • Funding as a contribution towards enhanced staffing for those children with a higher level of need. E.g. Regular supervision and individualised and consistent behaviour management approaches, support to maintain concentration and participation, additional supervision when accessing particular activities or equipment for safety, support to manage personal care, mobility or medical needs, support to gain positive relationships with peers, etc.

The support will be reviewed each term. On-going funding is dependent on the completion of a review report.

The purpose of the review is to inform the SEND Panel on how the funding has been used to support the child to meet their outcomes. It is the responsibility of the setting to ensure the request for on-going funding is submitted to Panel within the required timescales. Funding will cease if the termly review report is not submitted in time.

The fund does not contribute toward building or refurbishment costs, or towards the cost of toys or resources typically expected in an early years’ environment.

It is expected that providers applying for support from the SEN Inclusion Fund will provide information about how they have utilised the resources and staffing routinely available within their setting to maximise the support for individual children prior to submitting an application. However, children entering settings with existing evidence of a high level of need may be eligible for funding via a pre-entry request.

Parents will be involved in the decision to apply for support from the Early Years Inclusion Fund and be in agreement with the application.

Please find more information about the eligibility criteria, and the funding request form, at the end of this page.

Our SENDCo and SEND team aim to identify any special needs as early as possible in order to plan cumulative interventions for identified children.

All teachers are responsible for children with SEND and we apply a whole school policy of reasonable adjustments in the classroom to ensure that all children can have full access to the curriculum.

Where needs are beyond these adjustments we may offer booster group support for numeracy, literacy as well as emotional/social talking groups. We work closely with outside agencies, such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, educational psychologists and dyslexia specialists to deliver the best outcomes for our SEND children.

The setting offers a universal service from birth to preschool and for primary school (0 - 11 years of age).


Local Offer contact name: SEND Team

Local Offer contact tel.: 020 7600 3805

Local Offer contact email:

How does the setting know if children need extra help? What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
All teachers are responsible for identifying pupils with SEN. Should a child require additional and different provision, the SEND team and SENDCo will collaborate with class teachers, parents and pupils to provide a cumulative intervention schedule for that child.

Parents should raise any concerns whether developmental, academic or physical to the class teacher in the first instance. This may progress onto the SEND team at a later date, if necessary.

How will staff at the setting support my child?
With support from the SENDCo and SEND team, class teachers will decide what measures and interventions would best suit a child with SEND. This may result in creating an IPM (Individual Provision Map) for that child. These steps would be clearly explained in a parent/teacher meeting which would then be formally reviewed each term.

The SEND team ensure these responsibilities are carried out in a timely and effective manner. The SEND team provide an effective monitoring and assessment system to measure the outcomes for our SEND pupils.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
Our commitment to high quality teaching, effective differentiation and a plan/monitor/review system ensure that all our SEND pupils have access to the curriculum. Our aim is for inclusive teaching which can be adapted to suit all learner types. This plays a part in our whole school approach (wave 1) to meeting the needs of all of our pupils.

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Pupil progress meetings review SEND pupils termly. Targets will be set for those pupils in collaboration with parents and pupils. An IPM highlighting these targets will be signed at parent/teacher/pupil meetings.

Parents are encouraged to communicate any concerns and, indeed, celebrations in their child’s reading record book. We also have an 'open door' policy for brief discussions between parents and teachers.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
Our level of pastoral care is often praised by our parents.  We are committed to knowing the needs of all of our pupils on all levels. PSHE is taught by class teachers and those children needing more social, emotional support may receive group or 1:1 support with our trained counsellor. Our class TAs are also available to support pastoral, medical and social needs.

The administration of medicine is closely monitored by our first aid trained school secretary and details can be found on our school website. Behavioural needs are managed through a close working relationship between pupil/parent/school and will ensure reward systems are utilised and, if necessary, extra support through the SEND team may be given.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?
Our joint SENDCos have had ten years experience in post and implemented the 2014 Code of Practice, rolling out many whole school policies to ensure inclusive teaching with reasonable adjustments.  

Laura has a Level 4 Diploma in Child and Adolescent Counselling and Allison has studies with the Blackford Centre to support children with dyslexia. Allison also has an MA in Primary Education.

Our SENDCo team are trained in many areas of SEND such as: emotional/behavioural support and identification, how to plan and provide for dyslexic pupils, how to support reluctant writers, creating frameworks for pupils with short term memory problems, effective learning of the phonic code and how to best support pupils on the autistic spectrum. We also have a specialist Speech and Language Therapist, who is on site one day a week. 

What training have the staff who support children with SEND had?
Our SEND team have continued professional development in many areas of SEND, such as diplomas in SEND support (Blackford Centre), regular SENCo forum meetings to ensure we are compliant with the SEND Code of Practice, and training particular to the needs of our pupils (dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, transition practice, phonics, supporting literacy, sensory regulation, social stories and visualisation techniques, self-esteem and resilience, and supporting children with emotional and social needs).

We have established a SEND cluster group with other schools to share best practice, and meet termly.

How will my child be included in activities outside the setting including trips?
Whatever the nature of the needs of our SEND children, they will always be included in activities and trips. Depending on the need, a risk assessment plan will consider any potential issues and these will be dealt with beforehand.

We work closely with parents to ensure they are clear about the activity/trip to create a “team around the child” approach to accessing the outdoor setting. For example, for those children who may find change and new environments stressful a “social story” can be created with the child/parent/teacher to alleviate any worries. When outside the school setting children will be placed into small groups with an accountable and trained adult specific to that group. Any SEND child and their needs will be made known to all adults on that activity.

How accessible is the setting environment?
Wherever possible we aim to include all children with all needs. As the school is spread over five floors, and it currently has limited accessibility for wheelchairs. However, building renovations are underway, which, when completed, will allow for wheelchair access.

Reasonable adjustments have been made in classrooms to support SEND children in accessing the curriculum, such as specialist resources to support academic progress. Children who have English as an additional language (EAL) are fully supported to ensure that any language difficulties do not hinder academic and social progress. A speech therapist is on site weekly and can screen for any potential issues. 

How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting / school or the next stage of education and life?
Before starting at our school, children are invited for a taster session/day and parents are encouraged to pass on as much information as possible from the previous setting. Any concerns as to why a child may not settle can be raised at anytime to our teachers.

When pupils transfer to other schools we support according to their needs. This may be a letter to another SENCo outlining interventions given and outcomes achieved or SEND team support on such things as self-organisation, managing homework and learning to cope in larger school environments. SEND pupils moving onto senior/secondary school attend Transition sessions. 

How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
Our SENDCo team provides frequent feedback to the Senior Leadership Team. Any funding that may be needed for classrooms or physical developmental resources and staff specialist training is discussed and allocated when necessary. Teachers of SEND children are able to ask for resources specific to a child’s needs at any point in the academic year. 

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
(A comprehensive guide to the steps we take to decide on who receives specific support can be found in our school SEND Policy available on our website.)

In collaboration between the SENDCo, SEND team and class teachers, an assessment will be undertaken when a child is not making age appropriate progress. This may be academic, social or developmental. Where reasonable adjustments in the classroom have proved insufficient, a parent/pupil/teacher meeting may be called. A SEND programme of intervention may be drawn up if necessary.

Where a child has a diagnosis of SEND, the SEND team and class teacher will draw up an IPM to best support that child and this will be reviewed with the parent and child termly. The targets on the intervention provision will be closely monitored by the teacher, parent, pupil and SEND team. Termly, review meetings will discuss outcomes and next steps with the parents and pupil of the IPM. 

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?
We ensure that there is a “team around the child” approach to meeting the specific needs of the SEND child. Parents are involved at each stage and encouraged to give feedback from their own viewpoints. Parents can request a meeting with class teachers and the SEND team at anytime to discuss any concerns they may have.

Who can I contact for further information?
When considering our school, the first point of contact would be the Head, Mrs Caroline Lloyd. After that initial discussion a meeting with the class teacher, SENDCo or SEND team may be called if necessary.

Our SENDCos are Laura Annon and Allison Cleverly and they can be contacted via the main office.

Please also refer to our school policies on website: Accessibility Plan, More Able and Talented Policy, Inclusion Policy, SEND Policy, The School Local Offer.


A Mandarin/English bilingual nursery providing childcare services from the age of 6 months to 8 years.

We run a weekend school, as well as holiday camps.

The nursery opens from 8:00am - 6:30pm, 51 weeks/year

The setting offers a universal and targeted service from birth to preschool. (0 - 4 years old)


Local Offer contact name: Kristina Preidyte

Local Offer contact tel.: 020 3912 2900

Local Offer contact email:

How does the setting know if children need extra help? What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
All parents are asked to fill in a “parent's baseline report”, which details their child’s learning and development and support requirements, before the child starts their session.

The children’s needs and development are at the centre of our planning and the curriculum proposed to them. The parents are highly involved in decision-making in relation to their children’s development; such as assessments, and partnership working with external professionals and agencies.

Children with special educational needs are identified through their developmental profiles and assessments/observations which allow us to build a greater understanding of whether the child needs extra support from specialised professionals or if we can meet the child’s learning needs within our setting without external support.

All information is shared with the parents throughout the child’s journey with us; therefore, the parents can make informed decisions and choices about what support is integrated for their child whilst at our nursery.

Parents are always welcome to express their thoughts, ideas and suggestions about their children. We promote an ‘open door’ approach, which encourages parents to address and express their immediate concerns without needing to delay, by arranging the specific time to talk about their children.

How will staff at the setting support my child?
At Hatching Dragons, we pride ourselves upon our Key Person system, in which each child develops bonds and relationships with their primary and secondary Key Person within the group.

A Key Person is the initial point of contact to the parents, alongside the nursery manager, as well as the settings SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator). We also provide an internal support network to families on an advisory level which is led by Head of Educational Operations (HEO).

At Hatching Dragons, we act in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework, the Equality Act 2010, the Children and Families Act, the SEND Code of Practice 2015, and effectively implement national and local non-statutory curriculum documents into our practice. These include, but are not limited to, ‘Birth to Five Matters’.

Hatching Dragons promotes a child centric approach to curriculum and activity planning, with which parents are involved. Our internal quality assurers continuously work with individual teams at our setting, providing constructive feedback on the effectiveness of our provision, especially for those with SEND.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
Our curriculum fosters child centric planning and enabling environments to meet the needs of the children. We work with local multi-agency support networks where needed (again, with the involvement of the parents) to gather a greater understanding of the individual needs of the children, especially those with SEN, disabilities and learning difficulties.

For us, differentiation means recognising that each child and each family have different circumstances, and we work to allocate resources, provision and opportunities to reach an equal outcome within reasonable adjustments

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
At Hatching Dragons, we have great systems in place to assist the effectiveness of our communications with parents, and which allow them to see their child’s development journey through photos, videos, summative reports (every 3 months); 2 year developmental check reports, daily observations and more.

The systems allow us to clearly and efficiently provide the parents with the most up to date and relevant information, with identification of individual needs, interests and even talents of the children.

This virtual communication does not replace the face-to-face communication with the parents and carers! Hatching Dragons also offers home learning packs which can enable the expansion of continuous learning experiences within their home environment. We approach parents and carers as our mentors and equal partners in decision making in regard to their children’s learning journeys. 

What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
Hatching Dragons nursery has many policies and procedures that have proved to be both effective and supportive in leading parents, children and teachers through difficult situations.

Supporting behaviours, first of all, brings our attention to identification of where the behaviour is ‘rooted’. This, again, will take place with the involvement of the parents, key workers and other professionals, if needed.

The teachers at our setting model, promote and encourage positive behaviour of the children by giving praise, and by teaching them right from wrong through continuous provision and everyday practice.

Our setting has robust policies and procedures on medication administration and storage which are reviewed annually, as well as when needed; whichever comes first. The personal care policy is also strongly established and members of staff understand how to provide a dignified approach whilst taking part in personal care routines of the children. 

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?
Our team is formed of many brilliant early years professionals who are working towards their early years qualifications, and of those that have already achieved different levels of knowledge through National Vocational Qualifications as well as higher education and postgraduate degrees.

The expertise varies from level 2 to level 6 in: Early Childhood studies, Psychology, Leadership and Management, Early Years Education, SENDCo, Supporting Behaviour that Challenges, Identified Speech, Language and Communication Needs and Understanding Autism.

Our organisation also offers internal advisory support from professionals with impressive educational, expertise and experiential backgrounds through the field of early years and education quality assurance. 

What training have the staff who support children with SEND had?
We currently have several members of staff training to become SENDCo and working towards SENDCo Level 3 nationally recognised qualification.

The nursery manager has extensive experience of working with different local authorities and leading cases through mediation and court, whilst applying for Education, Health, Care Needs Plans.

The manager also holds a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Autism, Level 2 in Equality and Diversity, Certification in Identifying Speech, Language and Communication Needs, as well as SENDCo.

Our future goal is to ensure that at least one member of staff per group attends Makaton training and at least one member of staff per group holds a Level 2 qualification in Understanding Autism.

How will my child be included in activities outside the setting including trips?
If trained staff are available, the child will always be included in activities outside of the setting with the support from the staff with relevant training.

We work with local support networks and, if needed, we will ensure that 1:1 support is allocated through inclusion funds, if applicable, to ensure that inclusive provision for the child with SEN is secured. We also involve parents in activity planning and preparation and, where possible, we will invite parents to attend outings and off-site visits with their child.

How accessible is the setting environment?
The setting is based on two floors. There is no wheelchair access, but there is a lift. There are currently no disabled toilet facilities in the building. 

We are a bilingual nursery, most of our staff speak at least two languages. 

How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting/ school or the next stage of education and life?
The nursery provides a free settling in period for all the children who join the setting. We provide a summative report for all children who are going to be transferred to a new school, and we work in partnership with the parents to ensure that children are school ready.  

How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?We do our best to support all children in their learning and development. We allocate necessary funding to support children with special educational needs. We work with the local authority to secure the funds for individualised provision to support children with their development and learning, and to identify equipment, resources and the level of support needed.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
Parents and the Key Person will be included in any changes that involve the child. There will always be a discussion between the setting and parents before making such decision. 

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?
The setting has a daily communication book which records the child’s activities. The setting has also set up a consultation survey to promote the involvement of parents. Additionally, we operate an 'open door' policy, which encourages our parents to feel welcome to contribute feedback.

Who can I contact for further information?
Please contact the manager using the details above for more information 


 Smithfield House Nursery is a purpose-built, owner-managed nursery in the heart of the City of London, offering early education and childcare to children aged 8 weeks to 5 years.

The nursery is open Monday to Friday 7.30 am to 6 pm, 51 weeks of the year. We close for one week over the Christmas holidays and all Bank Holidays. Our nursery has been specially designed to incorporate the needs of all children, whilst ensuring compliance with current regulatory requirements, such as Health & Safety, Disability Discrimination Act, and Ofsted.

We provide a loving, safe, and secure environment for all children regardless of ability or needs.

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

Here at Smithfield House, our staff plan activities that are meaningful to each child’s age and stage of development. This is documented allowing the staff to support each child’s learning and move them forward through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Documentation is in electronic format, and parents/carers are registered to receive regular updates on their child’s progress. Additionally, our parents/carers can upload their own observations to the system, enabling staff to utilise this information for planning next steps for the child. Staff also take time to talk with our parents/carers each time they come in.

We endeavour to hold Parents Evenings bi-annually. These are opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s development. At this time, staff will explain how the child is progressing. If at any time during a child’s stay with us, we feel that additional support is needed, we will always discuss this with you first.

We can also draw from the expertise of the relevant agencies, which allow us to put in place methods to ensure that your child’s developmental needs in all areas are being met. Smithfield House has an open-door policy and actively encourages its parents to chat to our staff about any concerns they may have at any time.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

We pride ourselves on our ability to build strong relationships with the families who access our services; thereby providing a sound support system. We have appropriate, but strict policies and procedures in place for the safe administration of medicines, and all staff hold a relevant paediatric first aid certificate. Staff regularly update their knowledge in this field in accordance with Ofsted legislation. All staff are aware of and implement our policies and procedures surrounding each child’s personal care, and care needs.

Staff promote good role modelling for the children to encourage good behaviour. Gentle and appropriate reminders are provided so that the children can understand what is expected of them. This, in turn, inspires the children to become positive role models for their peers.

Senior staff will make contact with families if their child has missed days at the setting where no prior notification has been given. This is to ensure that the child is safe and to provide support where appropriate

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

All staff can undertake specialist training if required (e.g. Epi-Pen training, etc.) Additionally, we endeavour to invite specialists into the setting to allow staff the opportunity to further develop their knowledge and understanding of these professionals and be guided by their expertise.

What training have the staff who support children with SEND had?

All staff have undertaken training in supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We regularly attend SENDCO forums to exchange ideas, experiences and expertise. We have a named SENDCO, Shaney Selwyn, who holds a level three qualification in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND.) Additionally, she has completed Attention Autism training.

All our staff are qualified in Early Years Care and Education and will regularly update their knowledge through Ofsted recognised courses offered by Smithfield House, and by attending training courses offered by the City of London.

How will my child be included in activities outside the setting including trips?

All activities are accessible to all children. Staff arrange the environment to allow all children free movement. In some areas, we have steps with child level hand rails. These help with gross motor skills. Any child with restricted mobility will be supported by staff to access these areas, ensuring that the child is never made to feel different or that they cannot take part or achieve. With careful planning and the assessing of risk, no area if off limits to any child.

Although we do not have outdoor space, we have the whole of London on our doorstep and your child will venture into the local community daily. The saying we have here at Smithfield House is: we don’t have bad weather, we have bad clothes! If your child is dressed in suitable clothing for the season, they will be out exploring our city every day. If trips are planned further afield, a visit is made by a senior staff member first. This allows us to identify any restrictions, plan how to overcome and minimise these. Parents are encouraged to join us on such occasions and to share in their child’s learning experiences.

How accessible is the setting environment?

Smithfield House is fully accessible to wheelchair users and has a lift and disabled-access toilet facilities. The environment is bright and spacious.

We also have a sensory room that is accessible to all children. We have staff who speak a number of languages; and, if there is a need, we will endeavour to have all information available in any language.

How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, and transfer to a new setting/ school or the next stage of education and life?

Before your child starts with us, we will ask you to share some information. This will tell us all about your child; what they like, and dislike, what is important to them, and how we can best support them. This will be the first step in our ongoing partnership with you and will help us to meet your child’s specific needs from day one. We will then work with you and your child to ensure they settle securely into the nursery at their own pace.

We will capture your child’s learning and development in their ‘Learning Journey’ document – which we hope you will also contribute to. With your input, this will create a holistic overview of your child’s achievements and abilities. When it is time for your child to move on, this will help to form a ‘Transition Report’ for your child’s next setting or school.

Our ‘open door’ policy also extends to your child’s new setting: we often have children’s new Key-Person or teacher come and visit them during their time with us before they move on. Of course, this will only be with the parent/carer's consent. We are also happy to have 1-1 meetings with your child’s new setting, to ensure a smooth transition both for yourself and your child

How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

Smithfield House Children’s Nursery allows for a budget to be set aside to invest in appropriate resources that will best support a child’s needs. This can be something as simple as books printed in different languages to more specialist play equipment that would support a child with SEND.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

We will not seek any outside support without your permission unless, of course, we are concerned that your child is at risk by not doing so. In most cases, we can agree with this between us with the support of our setting’s SENDCO. However, we also have access to the City of London Area SENDCO, and SEND Project Manager, if required. Additionally, we have access to a Senior Educational Psychologist, who we can draw support from if your child has, or would benefit from, an Education, Health and Care Plan

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

We encourage all our parents/carers to be proactive in their child’s learning.

Through ‘famly’, parents/carers can become directly involved with their child’s learning journey. Parents/carers can upload their own observations, comments, or celebrations of their child’s achievements.

Staff take time to speak with each and every parent/carer on a daily basis to ensure that we are meeting their expectations as their childcare provider. Additionally, we periodically distribute a questionnaire to all parents/carers. This enables us to consider the views of our families, and we welcome their feedback. This information assists us in reviewing our own practice and facilitates us in moving the setting forward

Who can I contact for further information?

All children are allocated a Key-Person. Whilst all the staff in your child’s room will care for your child throughout the day, it is the responsibility of the Key-Person to document your child’s development. Therefore, they are best placed for an initial discussion about anything relating to your child.

If you are considering joining the setting, please get in touch using the below contact.


Local Offer contact name: Janet MacGregor

Local Offer contact tel.: 0207 236 1000

Local Offer contact email:

Smithfield House provides a universal level of service for families and children with SEND.





Newpark Childcare Centre opened in 2004 and is a small private provision run by the Clutterbuck family. It operates from converted Church Hall in the Grade 1 listed Barbican Estate.

There are two entrances to the nursery, and the building is fully wheelchair assessable. The setting consists of the main room with a separate smaller room for Montessori Preschool activities. There is a small kitchen and a children’s bathroom with nappy changing facilities, and a separate adult bathroom with a cloakroom which is also suitable for disabled use.

The children are aged between 6 months and 4 years old. There are currently some children who speak a second or third language. 

Newpark setting follows the Montessori Method in wihch children are allowed to make good choices within an environment prepared to meet their growing needs.

The setting offers a universal service from birth to preschool (0 - 4 years old).

Contact details:

Local Offer contact name: Natalia Bohun 

Local Offer Contact Tel.: 0207 638 5552

Local Offer contact email:

How does the setting know if children need extra help? What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
Each child has weekly observations, completed and reviewed by a key person, which helps to identify the scale of the child's abilities in each area of learning.

We are committed working alongside parents and sharing information about a child's development; and to observing and monitoring. Parents can discuss any concerns with the setting's SENCo.

How will staff at the setting support my child?
If the child has special educational needs, we find out as much as possible about those needs; any way that this may affect their learning or care needs, and any additional help they may require. 

We do this by liaising with the child’s parents, liaising with any professional agencies after discussion with the parent; by reading any reports that have been prepared, and by attending review meetings with the local authority/professionals. 

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
We enable every child to make full use of the nursery’s facilities, and we make reasonable adjustments in relation to the needs of the child. We want them to develop to their full potential and we treat everyone as an equal. Each child is included in planned or spontaneous activities. 

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Daily handovers help parents to find out about child’s day. We inform parents of the child’s week and provide observations for their development, including next steps.

The next steps are used as a focus for individual planning, and activities are planned in relation to the child’s interests. We also discuss what can be done at home and share information’s as often as needed. 

What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
Each child is supported according to their needs.

We administrate medicines only when they are prescribed by a doctor and this is recorded with parental contest. The carers act as good role models, having faith and trust in children, and responding to their needs through positive interaction and guidance. Our ethos is to encourage the child to be independent and self-confident, whilst developing social skills and respect. 

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?
Children enjoy gardening lessons, drama classes, cooking lessons and yoga classes every week. These are delivered by professionals. 

What training have the staff who support children with SEND had?
Each staff attends relevant SEND training. Extra training can be taken by staff members to further support any child who might need it.

Newpark also contract a private consultancy to conduct regular mock inspections to maintain ongoing improvements and to allow the setting to reflect upon their practice.

How will my child be included in activities outside the setting including trips?
Each child is able to access all of the setting's activities, and all material is at the child’s level allowing them to choose independently. Activities are initially introduced to the child, to encourage their understanding of how they may use them.

Children enjoy outings every day and parents often suggest interesting activities in the City of London for us to join. Parents also often deliver short lessons to the children about their cultural tradition or celebrations. 

How accessible is the setting environment?
The nursery is fully wheelchair accessible, and we also have disabled toilet facilities. We have lots of the families with English as a second Language and work closely together, updating the list of new words for the child, in order to support them through their day. 

How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting/school or the next stage of education and life?
Socialising with one another helps children develop their confidence. Children are encouraged to be curious and to ask questions about the world around them.

We work closely with schools that the children attend after leaving the setting, and arrange regular visits to meet new teachers and make sure that the child is ready and comfortable for their next step. 

How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
We conduct regular audits in which we look at the resources and the way in which they help the child to develop further. If there are any resources that are needed to support the child’s development, directors, management and staff work together to ensure each child’s needs are met.

Children also have a say on what they would like to see in the nursery through children’s wish list. 

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The nursery continually ensures that we offer good quality provision to the children and their families.

Key people/staff can discuss any observation with the SENCo and plan next steps to make sure that children are developing and achieving their full potential. This will allow them to recognise any extra help the nursery might need from outside parties for children with special educational needs.

Parents are always informed about their child's development and next steps first, and we do not contact any outside parties without parent consent. 

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?
Parents evenings are held every 6 months, and parents have the opportunity to meet with carers and the chance to discuss their development.

A bi-monthly newsletter is sent to each parent, and this includes any details about the setting, new activities and upcoming events. Parents also see pictures and news of any activities every fortnight through a blog, where they can leave comments, or pass on any ideas.

We also host parents' training, in which they can develop their knowledge about child development in a Montessori setting or attend fist aid courses. 

Who can I contact for further information?
Good practice of working together with parents, observations and monitoring a child’s individual progress will help us identify any child with special educational needs.

Our nursery has identified a member of staff as SENCo who will work alongside parents to assess the child's strength and plan for future support. The SENCo will ensure that appropriate records are kept according to the Code of Practice.

Contact details are available at the top of the page for further information. 

The Barbican Playgroup offers childcare and play for children aged 2-5.

It is situated within the Barbican Estate, in the City of London. The Playgroup operates Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 1 pm, term time only. local community. sessions can be extended from Tuesday to Thursday with an extra session between 1- 2.45 pm at 20.00 per session.

The playgroup is in receipt of funding to provide free early education for children aged three, and four years. The Playgroup employs two members of staff, including the manager, both of whom hold relevant early years qualifications at level 3.

Level 01 & 02, Andrewes House, Barbican, London EC2Y 8AX

Telephone 02076382718

Manager -

How does the setting know if children need extra help? What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

We are very skilled at playing alongside children and know when to intervene to extend children's learning. We use effective teaching methods to support the children in their learning. We take every opportunity to engage with and observe the children as they play. We work closely with parents/carers and can speak to them about any concerns and vice versa.

How will staff at the setting support my child?

The manager of the setting is the SENCO and has over 48 years’ experience of working with children with special educational needs.

An excellent partnership with parents is in place. Our parents speak highly of the setting. We settle any new children with great care, ensuring they have a rounded understanding of their individual needs before they start. We work closely as a team and put the needs and interests of the children and families first.

We work closely with the Local Authority Early Years Team and relevant multi-agency professionals to ensure effective arrangements are in place and each child is supported. Ofsted rated us outstanding in the last inspection.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

We provide a planned environment and curriculum for all children. We differentiate resources and activities to match each child’s interests and needs. Children who speak English as an additional language are supported to develop their communication skills. The Manager speaks four languages and will support children in their first language as well as English. We plan activities that feed children’s natural curiosity. Our curriculum is personalised to each child.

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We are available at the start and end of each session to talk to parents. We offer.

  • Daily chats face-to-face at drop off and pick up time.
  • Parent meetings twice a year
  • Termly review meetings.
  • Parents surveys

Parents and carers can always speak with the Playgroup Manager if they have any questions about their child’s learning or well-being.

Each child has a ‘Profile Book’ where significant individual work is kept.

We monitor children’s progress using EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) development matters. Children’s progress in Early Years is then tracked on a termly basis. Where progress is not at an expected level then alternative approaches are considered.

All staff are subject to regular observations of practice and supervision.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance?

We follow the statuary requirements of the EYFS and have policies in place. We settle any new children with great care and ensure we have a rounded understanding of their individual needs.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

We work in partnership with parents and carers, then other agencies and professionals to identify what provision is appropriate for children with SEND.

This enables more specific interventions to be provided, either in a small group or 1-1

What training have the staff who support children with SEND had?

All staff receive special educational needs training, provided by the City of London,

We seek out additional training such as autism and speech and language to support our professional development. We attend forums and speak to our SEND lead and advisor when we need further guidance.

How will my child be included in activities outside the setting including trips?

If we plan to go out of the nursery parents/carers will be consulted. Risk assessments are conducted beforehand. We would take any specific needs of a child into account.

How accessible is the setting environment?

The Playgroup is not wheelchair accessible. The Playrooms are accessible only by stairs from the Barbican walkway (Podium) or through the car park below. Due to the size of the Playgroup and the terms of usage of our premises, there are no immediate plans to improve accessibility.

“If the setting were to enrol a child with mobility difficulties or transition difficulties this would prove a challenge and reasonable adjustments and adult support would need to be carefully considered and managed.” (SEND Audit Report March 2016)

We will adapt our environment to support each child where possible. This often means we will buy resources for individual children. Our manager speaks four languages and can support stages of learning English with our bilingual children.

How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting / school or the next stage of education and life?

We have established excellent relationships with local schools. This helps to provide a smooth transition for the children and parents.

Older children choose to return and visit the playgroup once they have left.

How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

We discuss funding with the Local authority SEND lead. This is used for specific resources, training, or additional staff.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

We carry out regular observations to show how a child is progressing. We implement a support plan and review the outcomes. We involve parents and the local authority SEND Lead. We make referrals to other agencies such as speech and language for further assessment if needed.

How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

We support parents on a one-to-one basis and suggest support networks. We provide.

  • Daily quick chats at drdrop-offnd pick-up time.
  • Parent meetings twice a year
  • Termly review meetings.
  • Parents surveys

Who is the SEN Coordinator and how can I contact them?

Speak to the Manager; Mary Rose who will be able to talk through your child’s needs and offer support and advice.

Local Offer Core Details

City Child Bright Horizons Nursery and Pre-School

City Child Day Nursery and Preschool offers childcare and education for children aged 3 months to 5 years with a warm, welcoming environment supporting the transition from home to nursery. Our highly qualified team helped us secure a Good rating in our latest Ofsted inspection.

Our nursery has bright and airy rooms with full length windows looking out into wildlife areas. The spacious outdoor garden, a bonus in a city centre setting, offers children the opportunity to extend their learning outdoors. Alongside a range of carefully planned activities from quiet story time to role play, messy activities, singing and heuristic play, our unique Ready for School Programme including Growing Readers, Writers and Mathematicians further prepares our children for their transition to school. Our unique Healthy Hearts and Minds activities provide inspirational and engaging learning experiences using the innovative Boogie Mites and myHappymind programmes. There are no hidden extras, and our fees include all meals and snacks, branded nappies, wipes, creams, and formula baby milk as appropriate.

  1. How does the setting know if children need extra help? What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Parents/carers work closely with their child’s allocated Key Person and can speak to them about any concerns and vice versa. The Key Person is responsible for supporting the development of the child and tracking their learning and they will speak to parents/carers if they feel they may have a concern about any part of a child’s development. We monitor and assess children’s progress against the EYFS regularly and this is fed into a tracking system which can show if a child is not making the progress they should be.

The deputy manager of the setting is the SENCO and has as over 10 years’ experience of working with children with special educational needs.

All staff receive support and training relating to the needs of the children in their care. When appropriate, we would consult with the appropriate Local Authority Early Years Team and relevant multi-agency professionals. The SENCO meets with Key Persons who have a child with a special educational need and supports them in providing the child with the appropriate care and learning, involving parents/carers and the child in all stages.

  1. How will staff at the setting support my child?

The SENCO and the Key Person along with the parents/carers and any specialists work together to produce a Support Plan with next steps in learning. We use a specific Support Plan form supplied by the company, Bright Horizons and review it every six weeks, to see its effectiveness and what else needs to be implemented to ensure the child’s needs are being met. The Key Person will normally work with the child; however, it might be needed that specialist professionals come into the nursery as well for various sessions, such as physiotherapy session or to observe how the child is progressing. At all times parents/carers are consulted about what they feel is best for their child and their expectations. The management team is always involved in these decisions, as well as the SENCO for the nursery, and we will be able to evidence how the setting knows how effective its arrangements for children with special educational needs are by implementing targets and goals and using the graduate approach, by working with the parents/carers, key person, the child, and specialists.

  1. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

We use learning stories to track a child’s development. Every month we assess a child via observations and set next steps for them and plan activities, accordingly, using the EYFS curriculum. For SEND children the learning planned will be according to the next steps on the Support Plan. If the Local authority provides funding towards the support of a child with an additional need, then it would normally be the child’s key person who provides the support. We monitor progress by doing regular observations and assessments and meet up with parents/carers and use the plan, do, review approach to setting any new targets, based on the progress made. We also use the SMART target approach so that the child’s needs and approaches used are achievable and realistic. We adapt the environment so that the child can feel safe and secure and confident within their environment at the nursery. If applicable, we use programmes from the professionals to ensure continuity and consistency within the child’s learning and development.

  1. How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

At any stage parents/carers have access to their child’s Learning Story, which tracks progress and includes observations and photographs of the child. Parents/carers can request a meeting to discuss their child’s needs with their Key Person and the SENCO, however every four months, a progress meeting would already be scheduled which is the usual summative assessment for all children. For SEND children discussions on the progress of the child would be made and the assessment and how to incorporate this within the child’s support plan.

We would set aims and targets according to the information given by any specialists and the EYFS and discuss ways which this could be supported at home as well.

At the end of each day, parents/carers will receive feedback from the Key Person or buddy Key Person. This is also an opportunity for the parent/carer to communicate any new learning that has happened at home. The Key Person would be able to report this information in the Learning Story, under the ‘Learning at home’ section, monthly.

We would give you copies of any information that we may gather applicable to your child’s needs, and any training available to both staff and parents/carers.

  1. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

Personal, Social and Emotional support is given to all children in our care by all staff in the room and nursery. Staff are trained in all areas of the EYFS. The management team, including the SENCO regularly observe and assess staff interaction and support given to the children.

If a child requires medication, we have a robust medication policy that requires signatures for permission from parents/carers on clear documentation. A Care Plan will be written if a child requires regular medication.

We give children choices from a young age; we listen to children and respect their views. As children get older, we have a children’s council as part of our Pre-school curriculum and children are consulted about things such as purchases for the setting and what we can change to improve their experiences.

We have a safety mascot; Candy Floss, which children can relate to, and we discuss behaviours and conflict resolution and how to keep safe and others safe. We have a behaviour co-ordinator in the nursery, and we follow the behaviour management policy. All staff have mandatory behaviour management online and face to face training that they must attend.

  1. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?

Many of the staff in the setting have experience of working with a variety of special educational needs. Staff have attended a variety of specific training as well, such as Autism training, Cerebral Palsy and generic SEN training. The SENCO is currently finishing her Level 3 SENCO qualification. Some staff have attended Makaton training. All staff are Paediatric First Aid trained, including EpiPen training. The setting will have the means to access any service they can be specific to the needs of the child, with the help of the Local Authority and Bright Horizons. Parents/carers are always consulted about this and included in any information sharing.

  1. What training have the staff who support children with SEND had?

All staff are receiving online and face to face sessions on special educational needs training, provided by Bright Horizons, including a mandatory disability and inclusion course for all staff. The management team and SENCO are responsible for ensuring this training is embedded in our practice.

The SENCO has recently gained Makaton training, as well as on the way to finishing her Level 3 SENCO course.

Staff are also due to be booked on Autism specific training and behaviour management training in the coming months.

  1. How will my child be included in activities outside the setting including trips?

We can adapt the environment and activities to ensure they can be available to all children by modifying accordingly, with the support of the Key Person and SENCO. For example, we often have to adapt the height of tables for a certain child to ensure he can sit on the chair and reach the activity. We also ensure the child has their own cutlery as they need support in their fine motor skills. We have also built a quiet space for a child with autism, as they liked to be in their own space, especially with sensory lights.

If we plan to go out of the nursery parent/carers will be consulted. Risk assessments are always carried out beforehand and we would take any specific needs of a child into account.

  1. How accessible is the setting environment?

The setting encourages all parents from the community to become involved in special activities or events.

The building is fully wheelchair accessible; there is ramp access to the nursery, all rooms are on the ground floor, including the outdoor space. We can adapt the learning environments to support children with additional sensory or physical needs. We would always act upon advice from specialists as well.

We have an accessible toilet, and we can provide changing facilities.

We have staff in the nursery who can speak other languages and may use them to help translate, if applicable. We also have a talking pen facility that can translate phrases into many languages. If necessary, Bright Horizons will provide relevant documentation in another language. We can also communicate using Makaton signs.

We also have the support of the local authority and can apply for disability access fund and the Early Years SEND Inclusion Fund.

  1. How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting / school or the next stage of education and life?

We have transition planning documents; these can be used for a child entering or leaving the setting. We encourage settling in sessions to be taken, as many as the parent/carer feels their child may need. On the first settling session the parent/carer and Key Person will discuss together and use a list of areas to cover so all information about the child and their needs and parental/carer preferences can be recorded. If a child moves rooms, then this process is repeated – a child will be settled by visiting the new room with their Key Person. Parents/carers will also be required to speak with the new Key Person and up to date information recorded.

When a child transitions to a school or new setting we have a specific document to be filled out by the Key Person, the child and parent/carer, which outlines the development of the child and their progress and what to focus on in the future. If a child has special educational needs, then a transition meeting is arranged with the school SENCO and as many specialists involved with the child, the Key Person, the nursery SENCO and the parent/carer, to discuss the child’s specific needs.

  1. How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

A child with special educational needs will be supported according to the advice of the Local Authority and any specialists involved. The nursery will follow this advice and put appropriate support in place. If the child was to have specific funding, the resources gained from the funding would be detailed and specified on how to implement them in practice for the benefit of the child.

We have the support of the local authority and can apply for disability access fund and the Early Years SEND Inclusion Fund.

  1. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The Key Person, the SENCO, the parents/carers, and any specialists would implement a support plan and carry out regular assessments to show how a child is progressing and the impact the actions have had. We do this by following the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. Parent/carers are involved in all plans made. These support plans are reviewed and modified every six weeks.

  1. How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?

Describe the setting’s approach to involving parents in decision making and day to day life including for their own child. What support is available for parents/ carers of a Child with SEND?

The nursery has an open-door policy where all parents/carers are welcome to visit. Parents will be able to complete regular parent surveys, which gives them the opportunity to voice their ideas and opinions. We then report back and display the findings and implement changes according to the findings. All parent comments are kept confidential. This would form a basis of our nursery vision and action plan as well.

Support is available for parents/carers through the management team, the SENCO and the Local Authority Early Years Team.

  1. Who can I contact for further information?

The first point of contact for a parent/carer is their child’s Key Person; the room leader can also be spoken with. At any time, a parent/carer can also speak to the management team or SENCO. A parent/carer should always speak with someone immediately if they are concerned about something. If you are considering whether your child should join the setting, you can speak to the Manager; Abby, or Deputy Manager/SENCO; Issachar or email the nursery, or you can visit anytime, through our open-door policy.