28 January 2025

Starting on the 27th of January 2025, Publica CIC invites young women, girls and non-binary youth who live, study, work, or visit the City of London to take part in our Youth Design Challenge for our Right to the City campaign.

We want to understand your lived experiences as young people and how safe you feel in the City’s public spaces. Most importantly, we want to explore your vision for what the City could become and the changes you’d like to see.

The Task - Create a Poster

Pick a space in the City of London that you think could be safer and more joyful. It might be a space you pass through all the time, one in which you hang out with your friends or one you would love to visit more if it were designed differently.

Create a A3 portrait poster capturing how this space could be transformed. This could be a collage, drawing, photograph, or even rubbings - be as imaginative as you want!

Each poster needs to be submitted with an accompanying written description (max 200 words) of what the City of London feels like for you, what your vision is and how your proposed design would improve your experience of the City. Your text can be a poem, prose or a list of key words. Don’t forget to also add your title, name, age and pronouns to your description!


The challenge is open to any young woman, girl or non-binary youth who lives, studies, works, or visits the City of London. The submissions will be grouped and evaluated in three categories:

  • Ages 11-15
  • Ages 16-18
  • Ages 19-21

Submission Guidelines

To apply, please submit your A3 portrait poster (29.7 x 42cm, 2-15MB) as a JPG and your A4 portrait written description as a PDF to righttothecity@publica.co.uk. Add your name, age, pronouns and poster title to the description.

Applications Open: Monday 27th January
Last chance to apply: Monday 5th May

Shortlisted submissions will be exhibited at our celebration event in June 2025, where senior representatives from the City of London will see your experiences and ideas.

To assist you in completing this task, we’ve provided a collection of resources designed to make this challenge simple and enjoyable, including a brief and a video explaining the challenge (available early February) along with images of spaces to reimagine.

For more information: Publica — News: Right To The City: Youth Design Challenge