Have your say on 0-2 childcare provision in the City of London - Drop-in Consultation Days April 25th & 29th

25 April 2025

The City of London Corporation is committed to ensuring sufficient childcare provision within the Square Mile for residents. We are hosting two drop-in consultation events where you can come and share your views:

  • Friday 25 April at The Aldgate School. Pop-in any time between 7:50am and 9:00am
  • Tuesday 29 April at the Sir Ralph Perring Room, Golden Lane Estate. Pop-in any time between 4:30pm and 5:30pm

Scan the QR code to access the survey or visit www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/childcareconsultation

Your voice matters. If you would like the survey in a different formator would prefer to offer your views in person, with or without the help of an interpreter, please email EEYServices@cityoflondon.gov.uk

Childcare Survey QR code