City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership

Monday to Friday 9am-5pm


The City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership (CHSCP) aims to protect children from abuse and neglect by agreeing how local services and professional groups should co-operate to safeguard them.

A multi-agency forum, we work to:

  • Define and promote best practice within and between partner agencies
  • Ensure that children involved with our services are safe, supported and experience positive outcomes
  • Ensure vulnerable children have access to universal, targeted and specialist health, education and social care services
  • Ensure that the rich ethnic and religious diversity of our borough's children is cherished and promoted



If you have an urgent safeguarding concern about a child or young person call:


City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership
Hackney Service Centre, 1 Hillman Street, Hackney, London, E8 1DY