Children's Continence ServiceDowns Park Road, London, E8 2FP
Toileting Advisory Service service: 020 7014 7111Paediatric Continence clinic Administrator: 020 7683 4912
Hackney ArkDowns Park Road, London, E8 2FP
HENRY (Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the really young)
The Best Start with HENRY service in City & Hackney is supporting local families with children, from 0-5 – to provide a healthy, happy start in life for their children and the whole family on topics such as starting solids, fussy eating, eating well for less and healthy mealtimes.
HENRY (Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the really young)Linden Children's Centre 86-92 Rectory Road N16 7SH, 86-92 Rectory Road , London, N16 7SH
The Family Nurse Partnership
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
The Family Nurse PartnershipLinden Children's Centre, 86-92 Rectory Road, London, N16 7SH
The Neaman PracticeThe Neaman Practice, 15 Half Moon Court, London, EC1A 7HF
0207 600 9740Out of Hours: 111