Barbican Playgroup
The Barbican Playgroup offers childcare and play for children aged 2-5. We serve the local community.
Contact provider for vacancy information
Sessions can be extended on Tuesday to Thursday with an extra session between 1-2.45pm at £17.50 per session
Here's the link to our most recent Ofsted Report: Barbican Playgroup - Open - Find an Inspection Report - Ofsted
Local Offer
Local Offer Extended Response
The Playgroup is not wheelchair accessible. The Playrooms are accessible only by stairs from the Barbican walkway (Podium) or through the car park below. Due to the size of the Playgroup and the terms of usage of our premises, there are no immediate plans to improve accessibility.
“If the setting were to enrol a child with mobility difficulties or transition difficulties this would prove a challenge and reasonable adjustments and adult support would need to be carefully considered and managed.” (SEND Audit Report March 2016)
All early years practitioners are responsible for identifying pupils with SEN. Always working closely with the SENCO, specific and additional support will be offered to a child whose progress is evaluated as inadequate. Adequate progress can be defined in a number of ways and may take into account:
- Closing the attainment gap between the child and peers
- Preventing attainment gap growing wider
- Ensuring access to full curriculum
- Demonstrating improvement in self-help, social or personal skills
- Demonstrating an improvement in behaviour
- Daily face-to-face at drop off and picking up time
- Parent meetings twice a year
- Termly review meetings
- Parents surveys
Parents and carers can always speak with the playgroup manager and SENCO or their child’s keyworker if they have any questions about their child’s learning and wellbeing.
Our provision for children with SEND takes many forms. We aim to make all SEND provision appropriate for each individual child and their unique needs. Initially we work in partnership with parents and carers, then other agencies and professionals to identify what provision is appropriate for particular children with SEND.
This would enable a more specific intervention to be provided, either for a whole class, small group or 1-1 basis to target the development of a particular skill.
In the Barbican Playgroup we monitor the progress of all children in our childcare from the earliest ages, using the EYFS Learning Outcomes Their progress in Early Years is then tracked on a termly basis to ensure that effective strategies are being used. Where progress is not at an expected level then conversations take place with the relevant staff member working with the individual child and strategies are discussed and alternative approaches considered.
All staff are subject to regular observations of practice and supervision.