Health and wellbeing

We will support you to be healthy and well.

You can speak to your social worker and/or your keyworker for help and advice.

We will provide you an annual health card so that you have free prescriptions until you are 25.

The cost of a council run gym (currently £30 a month) will be paid direct to the gym, and usage reviewed in your pathway plan. This is to help keep you healthy. You can choose a different sport/exercise if you do not want to go to the gym. Discuss with your social worker.

Your keyworker or social worker can help you with any health appointments. They will help you find the nearest GP/walk in clinic/sexual health clinic/dentist/optician nearest to you and can help you with appointments.

We will cover the cost of your prescription if you have to pay, until you are 21 years old. Ask your social worker to find out how.

If you have problems with drugs or alcohol, we can connect you with specialists who can help. You can talk to them privately and you don’t need to worry about getting in trouble.

Smoking is very bad for your health, but it can be difficult to stop. Help is available if you want to quit, and your keyworker can introduce you to this service.

You have access to the family therapy clinic attached to our service.

The clinic offers therapeutic support to any child and/or family open to social care or early help in the City of London.

The clinical lead has a doctorate in global mental wellbeing and the clinic will be there to welcome you.

Your social worker will look with you at your health and wellbeing when they meet up with you and in your pathway plan review. Do ask if there is anything worrying you.