Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

You are valued for who you are. Our service is inclusive and equitable which is essential in ensuring that you have the opportunity to thrive.

You are valued for who you are. We will celebrate your race and ethnicity with you and support and connect you with others who share similarity with you if you would like to. We will promote your rights and belonging.

Racism: racism is not acceptable, and is against the law. We will support you to complain or report and we will listen to you and be your champion.

You are valued for who you are. We will support you recognising your ability and championing enabling environments. We will listen to you, ask your advice and views and advocate for you to achieve your goals.

Abuse based on your ability/disability is not acceptable and is against the law. We will support you to complain or report and we will listen to you and be your champion.

You are valued for who you are. We will support you in your identify. We will record your preferred name and pronouns and use these in all our communication with you. We will not assume heterosexuality or gender binary norms. This includes in pregnancy and parenthood. We will tailor our services to you and we will know about and/or find out about support for you and your identity. We will think about safe spaces for you.

Homophobic and Transphobic abuse is not acceptable and is against the law. We will support you to complain or report and we will listen to you and be your champion.